Have you ever noticed that Hydro Flask bottles seem to be everywhere in a very short period of time? What’s so special about Hydro Flask water bottles and how did the Hydro Flask become so popular?
What’s so special about Hydro Flask water bottles?
There are three reasons why Hydro Flask are so popular: First, Hydro Flask was the first to sell high quality vacuum insulated water bottles in the market. Second, they were the first company that adopted powder coating to decorate the bottles. Third, they have successful marketing.
Hydro Flask Innovated And Improved an Old Technology

In the year of 2009, Travis Rosbach and Cindy Morse worked together, trying to devise a vacuum insulated water bottle to hit the market.
After deep consideration, they decided to innovate and improve the vacuum technology that was originally invented in 1892, and tried to apply the technology to improve the insulation performance of water bottles.
At that time, technology that kept drinks hot was not a new one, but they ingenuously made an idea and told customers that their bottles could keep drinks cold for up to 12 hrs! This idea was greatly appealed to a lot of customers and won their trust. People also tried to seek for high quality water bottles instead of plastics ones, offering Hydro Flask a good opportunity.

Hydro Flask also adopted powder coating to decorate their stainless steel water bottles. In this way, these bottles were resistant both to rust and scratches and had pleasant appearance.
The powder coating made these bottles much more attractive than bottles of other brands and gave them incredible anti-rust and anti-scratches performance.
Successful Marketing Promoted the Selling

According to the newspaper, Hydro Flask started selling water bottles of 18 oz and 24 oz at local shops in Oregon.
Later, Travis began to sell his products in Bend and Portland. At first, these water bottles were hard to compete with other brands in the market. However, Travis and his sales team worked out a successful market tactic—They dropped bottles to shop owners and told them to call Hydro Flask when the ice in the bottle melted. And this strategy did work!
Customers began to know the good performance of Hydro Flask water bottles and the revenue of Hydro Flask reached $2 million by 2011.
Hydro Flask Gained Popularity Naturally

Owing to the superior quality and performance of their bottles, Hydro Flask gained increasing traction and expended their business gradually.
Fans of outdoor activities became pursuers of Hydro Flask water bottles as they could keep drinks cold for up to 12 hours during camping, mountain climbing and hiking.
Bikram Yoga teachers who exercised under extreme hot temperature also loved this bottle, which could keep drinks cold under extreme conditions, overshadowing counterparts in the market.
Social Media Helped the Booming of Hydro Flask
Hydro Flasks managed to promote their products in emerging and popular social media as TikTok, Youtube and Instagram by posting short videos and pictures of their products.
Vibrant colors of Hydro Flask and adventure nature of the product attracted young adults who later promoted the products and shared them with their family & friends.
Hydro Flask Swept the Campuses & Universities

The trend of using Hydro Flask water bottles further drew attention of students in school and at college who loved the vibrant colors and various powder coating patterns.
Even kids started to customize their bottles with cute stickers and paint on them their exclusive marks and patterns.
They shared their designs/patterns/marks with friends on social media, which continued to promote the popularity of Hydro Flask water bottles. At last, nearly everyone thought that this bottle is a must have in the school.
VSCO Girls’ Favorite Bottle

VSCO girls refers to girls who take photos or shot videos in a fashion way using the VSCO app. These girls, after taking beautiful photos, upload them to social medias such as Youtube and Instagram.
These girls also led the trend of various objects and somehow bottles of Hydro Flask have become their favorite ones that no other bottle can take the place of Hydro Flask’s.
Although Hydro Flask may lay more focus on outdoor equipment, the simple design and vibrant colors of Hydro Flask bottles do win the favor of these VSCO girls globally.
Hydro Flask Progress To Innovate

Hydro Flask began their business with 2 products—bottle of 18oz and 24 oz. Now, they have greatly expanded their sale lines, selling more than 100 kinds of products globally.
They also strive to offer people much more customizable options of colors and powder coatings.
Besides, Hydro Flask have now released new categories of products such as can coolers/koozies and food flasks. They firmly believe that it is innovation that brings them here. Through innovation and upgrading, Hydro Flask are, in their words, changing the world day by day.
Hydro Flask: Marketing, Quality, Luck

Hydro Flask’s success is a must, why? Because this brand releases high quality products and also fully uses marketing tactics.
If you want to say that Hydro Flask’s success entirely lies in luck. Then you are totally wrong. Hydro Flask did seize the opportunity luckily, they were favored by VSCO girls and became THE brand, but it was their premium quality products that won customers’ trust and love. Luck may be important, but it gives way to quality.
Besides, the clever marketing of the products helped Hydro Flask enter the water bottle market. It may be more appropriate to say that the marketing is the key to Hydro Flask’s success.
After ten years of advancing, Hydro Flask has shown the world their matured marketing, premium products and unlimited potentials. It is expected that this company will continue, in the days ahead, to release satisfactory products and lead the trend in the water bottle market. Hopefully, we are all the witnesses!